Monday, November 25, 2013 Sign our government position asking the white house to stop the NSA spying!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Weekly Blog Post

This weeks blog post is a continuation of my digital story proposal on cell phone addiction, and an experience this week. When I went out to eat the other week at a restaurant I saw a few people at a table eating their dinner, and checking their phones every other second. There was very little actual human interaction between these people, the only interaction that was happening was most likely on social networks. Its crazy to think that people are that into their cell phones that they aren't even really interacting at a dinner in a nice restaurant which is unbelievable in my opinion. This is really why I want to do my digital story on this topic, because it really is a problem plauging society. In my house my parents would be having a fit if me or any of my siblings were spending that much time on our phones. This event really goes to show though that there actually is a legitimate problem in society with cell phones and addiction in america today. They were made to interact with people, but in a way they are themselves preventing interaction.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

New Digital Story Proposal/ Annotated Bibliography

FYS Digital Story Annotated Bibliography

-In my initial proposal for my digital story I said that the topic I would like to present on was internet data safety with a combination of cell phone addiction. I have decided to just base my project solely on cell phone addiction. It is a prevalent problem in today’s society. Whether you are waiting for an appointment, or just taking the bus somewhere everyone is glued to their phones and doing nothing but checking their social media outlets or playing a game on an application. Small talk with other people is very rare if not totally extinct because of the dawn of the smartphone in society. I feel like it would be very easy to produce a digital story based off of this because I think that that the creative process behind it would be better because cell phone addiction is just something that is very common in the everyday life of the average American. The theme behind my story is going to be a person going through their average day and the people around him are always ignoring their surroundings because they are so attached to their phones. The idea behind it is going to be how society is different than it was before the age of the smart phone and how it is going downhill because of it. Even though social media is a good thing face to face interaction in my opinion is much better. People these days are lacking in basic people skills because they are always looking at a screen and thinking they have something better to do than talking with other people.

-The way I present this will once again be through the possibility of creating a comic on the different online mediums we have been introduced in class. I also want to put them into a prezi and make a presentation about my topic. I could utilize the comic by embedding it into the prezi so during the presentation I could access the comic and show it to other people.

-I plan on using all of these sources to display new information about cell phone addiction that not that many people may know, but might find interesting. By incorporating these into the story, I hope to make it more informative to the viewer.


Wallace, Kelly. "How to Cut Your Kids' Cell Phone Addiction." CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2013.

-The reason behind me choosing this article is that it clearly outlines the problem I described above in the introduction. Kids are always on their phones and not making time for their families at events. It describes ways that people can cut off their kids cell phone usage at family events and around the family overall. It is a good start for getting them off their phones and interacting with people. The only downfall for this is that it only applies to kids who live with their parents.


Held, Markham. "4 Signs You're Addicted to Your Cell Phone." Mens Health News 4 Signs Youre Addicted to Your Cell Phone Comments. Men's Health, 22 Aug. 2013. Web. 17 Nov. 2013.

-This article from men’s health outlines how one can tell they are addicted to their cell phone. I think it would be a good starting point in a presentation to point out the symptoms and see if anyone has any of these


Spiegel, Jeremy, MD. "Hanging Up on Cell Phone Addiction." Psychology Today, n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2013.

-This article is more relevant to people in college/ adults about cell phone addiction. It gives some ways to break the cell phones hold on us and discusses the problems of always staring at a screen. It would ad the value of really identifying what’s going on with the cell phone problem and possible solutions for older people and not just children.


Ablow, Keith, Dr. "Why Cellphone Addiction Is Now on the Rehab Menu." Fox News. FOX News Network, n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2013.

-This article discusses how there actually are rehab centers for smartphone/ mobile device addiction. There is actually a scientific term for cell phone addiction, which is nomophobia. Which is the anxiety caused by being away from these devices. This article is helpful because it brings in an extreme solution to cell phone addiction that does exist and is a viable option for people who have a real problem with their devices.


Lallanilla, Marc. "'Sleep-texting' Is a Nightmare for Some Cellphone Addicts." NBC News, n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2013.

-This article shows the very worst in cell phone addiction. It actually talks about how people actually text in their sleep and how it could be bad for a persons health in the long run. It shows how severe cell phone addiction can actually be.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Digital Story Proposal

Proposal- Writing it on internet safety and facebook and what you post on websites like it. How posting certain things on social media can be bad and how it can carry into real life. Particularly in the world of sports, and in real life.

-Another topic I want to include is cell phone/ internet addiction. All you see during the day is people staring at their phones instead of actually interacting with people. It is a problem that is all over the place and needs to be addressed in some way.
·      It will be easiest to include this in the story because I can use pixton to illustrate this by people just staring into their smart phones and not interacting socially.

-This relates to our discussions on internet safety and what we put online. There are things that people put online that they regret or that someone can use against them. The safety of what we put on the internet is the main issue that the project is based around.

-I want to possibly blog about the story and maybe use pixton to create a digital artwork out of the project. I want to create a narrative out of it and possibly use two mediums to express this with pictures and words.

-We used pixton in class to already create a story so I am someone acquainted with how to use it. I will just be using the characters given to me by the web site to create the story.


Liu, Alec. "5 Ways to Stay Safe on Facebook." Fox News. FOX News Network, 4 Oct. 2010. Web. 07 Nov. 2013.

Cunningham, John, Clayton Neighbors, Nicholas Bertholet, and Christian Hendershot. "Use of Mobile Devices to Answer Online Surveys: Implications for Research." Grasselli Library Database. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Nov. 2013.

Piper, Robert. "Your Cell Phone Is Not Part of Your Body -- You Can Let It Go." The Huffington Post., 24 Sept. 2013. Web. 08 Nov. 2013.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Discussion questions based on video games

1. What impact do you believe video games have on society?
2. Do you think they negatively affect the youth of America?
3. What is your opinion on violent video games?
4. Do you think video games affect social situations?
5. Do you believe video games can be used for good and in issues of social justice?