I have decided to revisit the topic of e waste in this weeks blog. This isn't about the how or why around e waste, its about the solutions. In my last blog I visited some solutions, so I decided to find some more for the long term fixing of the e waste problem. One of the options in the article was to donate used electronics to Goodwill because there is always someone in need of electronics somewhere in the united states who cant afford them. Because these items are being donated they are being re-used and they are not being shipped off to Africa to be processed. There are also services that can fix our broken electronics so that we do not have to throw them all away and are not being wasteful. We can also re purpose the parts and sell them to computer stores where the old parts can be taken out and put into new things so that when the old computers are thrown away we are not being wasteful. These are a bunch of different ways to get rid of the e waste problem and definitely help reduce the problem in third world countries.
Here is the article I used: http://www.ocgoodwill.org/business-services/e-waste
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