Thursday, September 26, 2013

The article that I have chosen to write about this week was about e-waste and the disposal of our old electronics after we are done with them and kick them to the curb. Most of the waste we get rid of is put in dumps in third world countries. Some of these parts are very toxic for the environment and are ruining it in these countries. The solution to the problems over there come back to here and what we do with our electronics. One of the solutions offered up in the article said that paying a little bit more for electronics and then returning them to the manufacturer for a small buyback amount. One thing that I have seen on tv is advertisements for companies that buy your old smart phones, which is a really good start for solving the e-waste problem. Donating old computers to those without computers could also be a good solution. There definitely need to be more regulations on companies who dispose of e-waste because only 11-14 percent of all the waste gets sent to recyclers. A possible solution could be a tax break for companies that dispose of the waste properly or something along those lines. There a re a number of solutions that could be discussed but those are just a few.

The article that I used is right here:

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